

Before Chris Mathews became a photographer and filmmaker, he had his sights set on other aspirations. As a young child, Chris wanted to be a football player and an astronaut at the same time, naturally. Even though Chris never pursued those elementary-age dreams, he’s living one now as the Owner and President of AGI Studios.  

Chris began his career with AGI as a production assistant back in 2007, and went on to work his way through multiple roles. Along the way, he fell in love with the team, the culture, and the work, and ended up buying the studio from its founders in 2019. Even before he became president, his leadership was critical to AGI’s success. Chris implored the firm to explore video when it considered itself a photography studio, and was constantly pushing creative boundaries to awe the company’s clients. Now, as the studio’s President, he’s the leader of a team of image makers who are equally committed to pursuing creative excellence. 

On the weekends, Chris spends time with his wife (AGI’s Studio Manager, Kristie) and their young daughter Ava. The trio frequently travels to nearby museums, parks, and attractions to give Ava opportunities to have rich experiences and explore the world.

Chris’ Personal Work